When the idea of writing a biweekly column was pitched to me, I was asked to write about Pokemon Go and other interests I ...
Audubon High School was well represented Saturday, March 15th at the State IE Speech Contest in Ames by Mason, Lena, and ...
Will Crews, Austin Keefe, Keithen Lewis, Emma Powell and Izzy Swafford broke into the next leve of competition at the End of Hi-Bear-Nation Tournament in Conway.
Walled Lake Western High School was bustling with nervous energy, anticipation and excitement on Saturday as middle and high ...
A survey of 500 primary school teachers found 44 per cent think up to one in five children are behind their age level for ...
Lower Merion School District (LMSD ... saying he was stunned that an elected official felt that she could censor free speech. Shurak, who is also Jewish, eventually put up her own sign, one ...
But the judges said Marana Unified School District expanded on that to also include “use of speech or language that is offensive or inappropriate to the limited forum of the public school ...
So, what’s the best motivational speech for school assembly? When you begin your speech, you must create an excellent initial impression on your listeners. Here are some ideas for starting the best ...
Mt. Blue High School hosted its first speech and debate tournament in over 25 years in December 2024, bringing together around 100 students from across Maine for a successful competition.
The ACLU and the NEA filed a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the Trump administration’s letter directing schools to ban DEI ... is trying to shut down speech it doesn’t like — especially ...