attenboroughii is releasing in the brain of the host ... pointing to the case of the zombie ant fungi. Scientists have documented the lethal parasite regulating the insect population, Araújo ...
It’s the stuff of horror - parasites that take control of a hapless victim’s brain before killing it ... spores more effectively. Zombie ant fungus forces its hosts to leave the nest for ...
Other research suggests the fungus acts on the ant's muscles, rather than its mind. "If you were the ant, your brain may be able to contemplate that your legs were moving all on their own and ...
One particular fungus, Beauveria bassiana, causes the immune system to kill brain cells, promoting neurodegeneration.
“Ants—like us—have biological clocks ... “One thing that we found was that the fungus invades the brain in a very creepy and stereotyped pattern,” she continued. “In the brains of flies that are ...
A newly discovered ant species has a particularly moody name: Sericomyrmex radioheadi. Scientists named the fungus-farming ant to honor both the music and climate change activism of British rock ...