September 2014 - A referendum is held in which Scottish voters reject Scotland becoming an independent country by a margin of 55% to 45%. The SNP leader and first minister Alex Salmond decides to ...
Previous offices held: Barrington Unit District 220 board member since 2021 Why are you running for this office? Is there a ...
What unfolded that night at Uday Bhembre’s residence was the visible edge of a trend: Who controls the past, and through it, ...
This timeline illustrates ... New Jersey holds a referendum to overturn the federal ban on legalized sports gambling. Voters approved the measure by a wide margin. Yes, sports betting is legal ...
They have signaled that, yes, they want independence ... aid despite leaving the European Economic Community (EEC) via referendum in 1985. Rather than rushing into the embrace of the United ...
The referendum language would ask Texans to vote yes or no on the following ... It is unclear from the update what the timeline will be for approval, or if there is a deadline to submit an application ...
Those updates include modernizing science labs and a heating system that go back to the late 1950s; providing enough gym space so students don’t have to fulfill mandated P.E. by walking in the ...
Peter Dutton is pressing ahead with a possible referendum on kicking out criminal dual citizens if he becomes Australia's next leader. The Opposition Leader is planning to seek ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is considering an election pledge to hold a referendum next term on deporting criminal dual nationals ...
The Matthews Board of Commissioners has given the green light to $11 million in bonds to build new parks and fix up old ones.