Like the normal rules do not apply ... Don't ask him for his autograph. Yes, sir. (people talking in background) Morning, sir. BLAKE: Detective Phelps. I thought you had some days off.
The team says goodbye to a colleague in the most awkward, 'Severance'-y manner imaginable, in an episode that bites off more than it can chew.
Samantha Redmond might be the central villain of Paradise, but her grim reasoning for some of her harshest decisions actually ...
Paradise's fifth episode confirms an important theory about the apparent end of the world, but adds a new wrinkle that could ...
PBS Passport streaming expires February 15, 2032 @ 11:59 PM ET Eliza explores the cut-throat world of Victorian theater while finding herself growing ever closer to Inspector Blake. Sign up to get ...
Kelly Ripa is still mourning the death of her dog Chewie, and her husband Mark Consuelos is helping her through her grief, the couple said on TV Monday. Ripa and Consuelos previously shared that their ...
Video calls often feel discomfiting because you don’t know where to look, Dr. Brodsky said. Research suggests, however, that ...
Sarah Greene on playing Connell’s mum Lorraine in the hit BBC adaptation of Sally Rooney’s Normal People, Dublin Murders ... As soon as I finished the first episode, I couldn’t wait to ...
(Depends.) If an episode takes place entirely on a cruise ship, does that count? (Probably not. But maybe?) What is “small cast” — does that mean two or three people, or can it be more?
Paris-based sales company Alpha Violet has taken international sales on teen mental health drama “How to Be Normal and the Oddness ... for the struggles of young people driven by constant ...
or Hart or Corrino? The sci-fi prequel series has also been renewed for Season 2. What's next for the Imperium? This role goes beyond playing normal people... Lisan al Gaib!
Arabella Chi has posted some loved-up snaps with her boyfriend Billy Henty as the couple enjoy a romantic trip to Mexico ...