He had even toyed with the idea of hanging a chandelier in the Oval Office ... A heavy-looking gold paperweight sits on the coffee table, the presidential seal engraved on top and the word ...
Donald Trump, upon returning to the White House, has focused not only on politics but also on his passion for interior design ...
As President Donald Trump works to dramatically reshape the federal government, he is also in the middle of transforming another historic aspect of the presidency: the Oval Office.
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle both wear Welsh gold wedding rings, and the mine is offering gold for sale in a rare move.
As President Donald Trump works to dramatically reshape the federal government, he is also in the middle of transforming another historic aspect of the presidency: the Oval Office. Nearly eight ...
Richard Girling found the ring in a field that he had visited many times before (Richard Girling/ PA) A medieval gold ring unearthed by a metal detectorist in a field he had visited many times ...