Nikki had a heart attack at only 46. In a candid video, she shared some of the symptoms that she wrote off as indigestion and ...
Simple training techniques, such as maintaining posture while gradually shifting the weight from the arms to the waist, can effectively reduce arm fatigue. Secondly, the correct positioning of the ...
Teguh Islean Septura groans in pain as each staccato rat-a-tat-tat of the laser fires an intense beam at the elaborate ...
Keeping the arm also could have resulted in long-lasting pain and carried the possibility of re-injury, the post said. But ...
Nikki from Texas, who had no previous health conditions said the unusual triggers began roughly a week before her medical ...
There is sad news from the Brevard Zoo after a young spider monkey injured his arm so badly that it had to be amputated – ...
A MUM died from a rare allergic reaction after she was rushed to hospital with toothache – following weeks of trying get a dental appointment. Leigh Rodgers, a 34-year-old kitchen designer ...
Research shows that analyzing walking patterns can detect early signs of neurological disorders, orthopedic issues, and even ...
In the episode, the duo also revealed their upcoming innovation—the Titan Bionic Arm. Their business model, however, raised ...
Grab a deck of cards, give it a shuffle, then place it face down. Assign an exercise to each suit: I chose press-ups for ...
Loren Schauers, 24, is lucky to be alive after a work accident with a forklift led to a radical surgery that changed his life ...
Lil owes her life to the RFDS who saved her when she nearly died after haemorrhaging so badly on a remote cattle station.