DEAR ABBY: I am a troubled older man. I was married with three children, but I drank too much. My wife and I divorced after 20 years of marriage. We were both flawed. I have been remarried and ...
PEOPLE has a sneak peek at 'Gold & Greed: The Hunt for Fenn’s Treasure,' an upcoming Netflix show about the search for the treasure and its discovery Abigail Adams is a Human Interest Writer and ...
DEAR ABBY: I am married with two children, 6 and 4. I love them and my wife. When I met her, I knew she was a little messy. I am neat, tidy and generally organized. Over time, her behavior ...
It's the little things in life that make you happy. After all, if you can't go on a Hot Wheels Treasure Hunt, who says you can't organize one at home? Speaking of Treasure Hunts, I'm here today to ...
DEAR ABBY: I am a widow with two living children (one son died of COVID in 2021). My daughter wants me to go on a cruise with her next year. I don’t feel comfortable around crowds and strange ...
DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 52 years. While looking for a tax document, I found a manila envelope that had a note written on the outside. It said, “If something happens to me, please ...
It's time for another Moogle Treasure Trove event in Final Fantasy 14! Don't miss out on incredibly rare, hard-to-get items (Image via Square Enix) It’s that time again, Final Fantasy 14 fans ...
DEAR ABBY: My wife and I went for our annual checkups seven months ago. We were both overweight and told by our respective doctors that we needed to make some lifestyle changes to improve our health.
Dear Abby: I gave my stepdaughter a blank check to pay for my wife’s birthday party. She consulted me about the choice of the restaurant but did not talk to me about anything else. She had ...
DEAR ABBY: I am blessed with two sons who live with me. They are in their mid-20s. The younger one is an amazing young man. He’s strong, confident but not cocky, and happy. He’s in college ...
Dear Abby: My brother just got engaged to the “WOAT” (Worst of All Time). They have been dating for 2 1/2 years, and nobody in the family has anything good to say about her. In the past ...