D printing tiny cars isn't new, but this creator's work lets you print a Revell- or Tamiya-style kit you can assemble ...
3D models are grouped into collections such as for example Apollo 11, Inka Road, Presidential Portraits, Blue and White Ceramics, Bodhisattva, Prehistoric Artifacts, Chandra X-ray Observatory, and ...
With a 3D printer, a projector and a lot of pixie dust (spray paint), you too can bring Disneyland into your home.
Featuring a 7500 x 3240 pixel resolution and a 22 µm X Y resolution, this 3D printer model provides novice users with a solid grasp of the basics. The main drawback of this model is that it’s ...
If you’re moving beyond foam board wings, 3D printing is an excellent way to create an accurate airfoil, and [Tom Stanton] provides us with an excellent guide to modeling wing sections for easy ...
Examples of this business model include ... and bad at the rest. That means models intended for 3D printing should be designed with the strengths and weaknesses of 3D printers in mind.
Just one appointment per day is allowed but we will try to assist with slicing and printing your parts based on the time and availability. Please ensure your 3D model meets the following ...
One of the newest and fastest-growing hobbies is 3D printing, and the industry has ... so you can manage some larger models, at least taller models, and the included Wi-Fi card means that you ...