FRANKLIN — Twin Rivers Food Pantry is one of the larger full-service food pantries north of Concord. The Pantry welcomes people from any town in the Greater Franklin community whenever food is n ...
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the total sum of $40,000 to be added to the following Expendable Trust Funds previously established. ETF Technology ...
ANDOVER — I took a quick down-and-back trip to Boston before an expected snowstorm to retrieve the vibrant and playful paintings by artist Susan Blatt, for our next exhibit at Proctor Academy. Susan’s ...
Several weeks ago, I was a part of an email from a constituent asking questions about House Bills that were Representative Aylward’s priorities in The Beacon. I would like to clarify that whatever Rep ...
ANDOVER — This winter has been “the real thing” for sure, with very cold days and snow events lining up every three to four days. Is this global warming? It sure doesn’t feel like it! Still, we are ...
Levi Otis completed 1,000 books before kindergarten. Willa Brown, who read 1,000 books before kindergarten. ANDOVER — Congratulations to Willa Brown and Levi Otis, who both finished the 1,000 Books ...
Financiers are a small, traditional French almond cake dating back to the 17th century. Originally named Visitandines, after an order of nuns who originally created the cakes, they were renamed ...
ANDOVER — In February’s issue of The Beacon, Representative Deborah Aylward listed her priorities for the upcoming legislative session. I have questions about some of them and hope that she will take ...
ANDOVER — My gratitude goes to the weekend edition of the Concord Monitor for sharing Minnesota Star Tribune writer Chris Hewitt’s picks for February new releases. Go Chris! Gentlemen of the Woods by ...
Spectators watch the glow of the torches from the parade of skiers at the Torchlight Parade, at Proctor’s Blackwater Ski Area in Andover. Photo: Alex Estin ...
FRANKLIN — Driving through Franklin heading north or south on Central Street, you pass by Trestle View Park and the Harris Corliss Wheel. During the holiday season, every year since the mid-1990s and ...