Fighting in the City of Hue as a Marine, Myron Harrington was awarded the Silver Star and Navy Cross a week apart.
SAIGON -- Combat-ready U.S. Marines swarmed ashore today and took up defense positions around the Da Nang air base only 80 miles from Communist North Vietnam. It was the first Marine landing in a ...
We’ve been following Karl Porisch, who graduated from Mankato State in 1968 and completed Marine Corps officer and helicopter flight training. The Marines assigned Karl to Okinawa, while his spouse ...
In 1965, about 3,500 U.S. Marines landed in Da Nang, South Vietnam. It was the first deployment of a large U.S. ground combat ...
Green Beret Robert Howard is the only one of the 3,547 Medal of Honor recipients to be nominated for the United States’ top ...
Members of the Subler family expressed their appreciation for the incredible turnout to celebrate and remember Vietnam War ...
James Capers, served in the Vietnam War and saved seven fellow Marines ... According to the sworn testimony of the surviving Marines, then-Lt. Capers’ unit was ambushed in the jungle, with ...
The recent death of Kevyn Major Howard, the actor who portrayed Rafterman in Stanley Kubrick’s 1987 Vietnam War film “Full ... used the nicknames of Marines from his unit for characters ...