Bradford B. Worrall, MD, a University of Virginia professor of neurology and public health, says many stroke survivors develop spasticity.
Spasticity is a symptom of conditions, like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke, and traumatic injury to the brain or spinal cord. It can look like a tightly folded arm with a flexed wrist ...
A mixed description means you have a mix of these symptoms, such as a combination of muscles that have no tone and lots of tone. For those curious, my diagnosis is cerebral palsy spastic diplegia ...
Cerebral Palsy ... new ways to reduce symptoms and limit brain damage. Future of treatment:1. Functional Electrical stimulation (FES) helps in reduction of stiffness / spasticity, increasing ...
Only recently has the secondary condition of pain been researched in adults with cerebral palsy. Results suggest ... described children with CP or spasticity as the largest group of patients ...