We lingered on the merits of a decent cutlet a while before settling on the schnitzel: a no-nonsense dish that’s ... It’s a crisp and filling delight that’s best enjoyed with a dollop of potato salad ...
Wiener schnitzel can also be paired with simple, leafy green salads and mashed potatoes. Other great pairings include cabbage, German potato salad, or cranberry sauce, which may be easier to find ...
Both varieties of potato salad go wonderfully with meat (German potato salad is often served with schnitzel, or schnitzel in sandwich form), and if it's made right both can be satisfying in their ...
These three schnitzel recipes may be the answer ... This schnitty first appeared in Sydney Food, with creamed potato and a crisp fennel salad – it was on our first dinner menu when we opened ...
Classic Vienna pork schnitzel with Austrian potato salad.Jennifer Soo And yes, you absolutely should order the Vienna-style pork schnitzel, too, which is much juicier than its pounded ...