and I guess along the way we screwed up and made Breaking Bad instead." Whether intentional or not, the numbers don't lie. Rick and Morty is striking a cord of universality that it never has before.
Rick and Morty are the most powerful people in their established universe, but even they aren't immune to 1 weakness that ...
When it comes to Rick dropping into fourth-wall-breaking meta humor, few plot threads provide more laughs than Evil Morty. The Rick and Morty season 5 ending finally paid off the teased Evil Morty ...
Rick and Morty has returned with a bonkers premiere episode, "Solaricks." Packed with action, callbacks, and deep cuts, the first episode of Season 6 is a mind blower. So, let's dive deep into ...
MARC ELLERBY returns with a new issue of Rick and Morty’s “Ricklemania” set up and, quite frankly, this month’s issue felt ...