In prehistoric North America, the short-faced bear (Arctodus ... there was great excitement over what extinct animal it could have belonged to. Before becoming president, Thomas Jefferson was ...
Over 30 million years ago, monkeys crossed the Atlantic on rafts. Researchers believe they made the 1,000-mile journey on ...
One of the most bizarre-looking prehistoric animals that ever roamed this Earth ... animals lived all over the world — mainly in North America, Asia, and Europe. They are relatives of the ...
An ancient species of giant flying squirrel was found in a sinkhole lake fossil site in eastern Tennessee. Photo by Dan ...
Chunks of sandstone were chipped away as they searched for prehistoric clues ... and most complete example of the animal group ever discovered in South America, researchers said.
Thescelosaurus has been at the heart of a prehistoric controversy because some have suggested the animal represents an ... Thescelosaurus roamed western North America late in the reign of the ...
These largely terrestrial frogs may have been as ill-tempered and aggressive as their living relatives, the ceratophyrines of South America ... remains from the species were found.