Read Paul's account of the altercation at Antioch in his letter to Galatians ... people like Timothy and Titus, to take information or check out what's happening over in Phillipi or some place ...
During his lifetime, Saint Paul granted men and women equal rights and responsibilities in spreading the gospel and guiding ...
Paul gives instructions to Titus on how to assist persons sent to him and others who are co-workers of Paul. Greetings ( Titus 3:15) Paul closes the letter with a brief greeting bidding Titus grace.
The Pseudo-Pauline Epistles are letters that were neither written by Paul nor in the spirit of what Paul would write. They ...
Read Paul's account of the altercation at Antioch in his letter to Galatians ... people like Timothy and Titus, to take information or check out what's happening over in Phillipi or some place ...