The Gibson County Sheriff’s Office has closed Oakland City to all non-local traffic. They say this includes Indiana State ...
Instructions have been laid out for volunteers who are eager to help in Oakland City after severe weather left behind damage ...
The storm moved across Indiana 168 and Interstate 69, causing damage in Oakland City. It moved through mostly rural areas between Petersburg and Otwell and finally dissipated west of Loogootee ...
Emergency crews are assessing storm damages after an early morning tornado touched down in Oakland City. Officials are also ...
The area surrounding the High Street Home Depot in Oakland's Fruitvale District -- once notorious for large encampments, RVs, ...
Oakland City, Indiana (Gibson County): EF-2 damage with ... afternoon and evening to determine if a tornado struck the area. According to a National Weather Service briefing, more storms are ...
Access roads into Oakland City are closed to all non-residents as first responders and utility crews continue to clean up and ...