An Onion Lake, Sask., man made the catch of a lifetime at a Cross Lake, Man., fishing derby, hauling in a 100-centimetre ...
Northern pike have declined dramatically over the 20th century ... regulation impacts for Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River downstream to Quebec City, Canada.
but when most anglers in the U.S. and Canada mention “pike,” they’re referring specifically to Northern pike (Esox lucius). Northern pike, like the other members of the pike family, have broad heads ...
Twenty years after the first northern pike was detected in Box Canyon Reservoir on the Pend Oreille River system, state and tribal suppression efforts seem to be keeping the carnivorous fish in ...
The rub is that while pike are widely available across the northern U.S. and southern Canada, waters with an abundance of true goliaths are relatively few. More commonly, especially in the U.S., ...
Northern pike are a prized gamefish in many places ... Pike are native to parts of Alaska and Canada, and parts of the Midwest. They aren’t native to the Columbia River drainage, however ...