Cuentos de Triadas and the LI Latino Teachers Association (LILTA) joined to celebrate Dominican Independence Day with a ...
This is the image that the president of the Dominican House of Hazleton would like to see at City hall, the Dominican Republic flag flying along with the American flag. He made a request to Mayor ...
Hazleton Mayor Jeff Cusat has denied a request to raise the flag of the Dominican Republic at City Hall to mark the country’s independence. “I don’t ever see a reason to take down the ...
public proclamations across the U.S. and a cycling competition back in the Dominican Republic. Maria Ochoa, of Nashua, said the community has been organizing flag raisings for over 25 years.
ALLENTOWN, Pa. - The Dominican community in Allentown gathered to celebrate the Dominican Republic's Independence Day. The Dominican Flag was raised at City Hall on Sunday afternoon, marking the ...
The Dominican ... Flag Code. Politely and respectfully talk to your voters, especially since 90 percent of the Latino population in Hazleton City are of Dominican descent. The Dominican Republic ...