One question has always stuck with me—why did Dick Grayson ditch his Robin cape when he became Nightwing? Well, I think I’ve finally found the answer.
But how does the new Batsuit measure up to the classics? What are the greatest Batman costumes of all time? We’ve handpicked ...
Scott Snyder's plans for Absolute Batman, Absolute Dick Grayson and The Absolute Joker for DC Comics to come... (Spoilers) ...
Tim Drake applies for the role of Robin to help Batman and becomes the most loyal and talented Robin in DC history. Dick Grayson, the first Robin, sets the standard and becomes Nightwing ...
LOLtron is excited to share details about Batman And Robin ... Wayne Manor Edition." Will Dick Grayson set up elaborate traps for unsuspecting criminals? LOLtron calculates a 98.7% probability ...