Cryptocurrency trading might feel like the Wild West for much of the year, but come tax season, several IRS rules still apply ...
During a market downturn, investors should explore tax strategies to help preserve their wealth. Geltrude & Company founder ...
You don’t have to fret that stock markets are down. Instead, use these losses for tax harvesting, and save on tax ...
When capital gains earned on the sale of securities are reinvested to buy new shares, the investor is believed to have ...
Tax harvesting is an effective way to improve investment efficiency while ensuring compliance with tax norms. With proper ...
They appear in order of least to most capital gains tax owed. You can calculate whether you have a capital gain or loss by subtracting the asset’s net cost of acquisition from the net proceeds ...
In his victory speech on Sunday, Carney confirmed he will stop the capital gains changes proposed by the current Liberal government last April, making good on a campaign pledge.
A tax expert has urged BTL investors to use or lose their annual capital gains tax (CGT) exemption to avoid being landed with ...
Most notably, the CRA is reverting to administering capital gains taxation under the current 50 per cent inclusion rate. As a ...
If you have gains both before and after the rate change, make sure you use your allowance, carried forward losses, and ...
Crypto assets must be reported on tax returns like any other property when they are sold. If you take a loss when selling it ...
The CRA already announced on Jan. 31 it would give individual taxpayers reporting a capital disposition in 2024 until June 2 ...