Public ceremonies, lavish processions, and temporary wooden arches were commonplace after victory in Ancient Rome. But during ...
Ukrainian soldiers discovered ancient Greek artifacts during fortification works in Ukraine, in what is believed to be a ...
The ancient artifacts were found at the ... Among the many impressive structures unearthed in the city is a military fortress, indicating that the Roman army had a significant presence in the ...
U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Matthew McFarlane, commanding general for America’s First Corps, inducted U.S. Army retired Col.
In the ancient Roman world, which I study ... In a fable by Phaedrus, also written in the first century A.D., a barbarian is threatening the troops of the military leader, Pompey the Great. All are ...
Sifting through the dark brown soil of southwestern Scotland, archaeologists unearthed a “rare” and “visually striking” Roman artifact. The small item — possibly buried as an offering 1,800 years ago ...
The Romans occupied what's now Spain from 218 B.C. until roughly the fourth century A.D. The fortress burial included a " pugio " — the standard dagger of the Roman army — that suggests the dead man ...
The Roman Soldiers Museum and Romans Army Store continue to provide an immersive and educational experience for those passionate about ancient history.
The first was a renewal of the ban on transgender people joining the U.S. military—initially signed ... in federal records and policies. In the ancient Roman world, which I study, biological ...